Is Your Practice Prepared for the Coronavirus?

I never in a million years thought I would be writing a blog on this topic…
It is on the minds of everyone. No matter where we go, people are talking about the Coronavirus. We are constantly being bombarded with media information about new confirmed cases and deaths related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are hearing about handwashing, limiting travel, high risk individuals, social distancing, cancelled events and our plummeting stock market. This breeds fear and anxiety levels are high.
So what exactly does this mean for your practice?
Here is a list of 4 ‘must-dos’ to minimize the effect on your practice (and your anxiety level):
- First and foremost, know the facts. Get your information from reliable sources (This typically does not mean Face Book, Instagram and the cable news channels.) For the most reliable information, visit
- Focus on the well-being of your clients, their families and your staff.
- Provide talking points to your staff to use in speaking with clients and their families. Reassure them that you are taking extra measures to keep everyone safe. Stick to the facts and do not provoke hype.
- Be proactive--consider posting a special edition of your E-newsletter on this topic, sharing the extra precautions that are being implemented to keep everyone safe.
- Review sanitation procedures with staff. This includes procedures for sanitizing treatment equipment/materials/toys, furniture, door handles, light switches, etc.
- Conduct more thorough sanitizing (not just your typical cleaning) of your office space, including public and private areas, waiting rooms, conference rooms, treatment rooms, kitchen areas.
- Provide ready access to sanitation wipes and hand cleaners for all. Set up sanitation stations, if possible.
- Add new sanitizing procedures as needed.
- Staff and clients should stay home if sick. Have a contingency plan in place for staff and client illnesses, e.g., coverage for an absent employee, rescheduling services, teletherapy.
- Have a contingency plan in place if it becomes necessary to restrict service provision in your office.
- Discuss with your staff the option of utilizing interim teletherapy services.
- Develop a step-by-step system for implementing teletherapy and train staff on the needed technology to successfully implement remote therapy.
- Inform parents/clients of teletherapy as an option for service provision. Be sure to provide a checklist of essential technology requirements that will need to be in place. Include the platform you will be utilizing and any needed instructions to insure a smooth transition.
- Review your current financial situation.
- The best strategy for every practice and every situation is to have a 6-12 month emergency cushion. This reserve will allow you to weather this and any storm that may arise.
- Look at your current available cash and project your best estimate of revenue and expenses over the next six months.
- Limit spending to that which is essential to day-to-day operations.
While it is impossible to predict the impact of the Coronavirus, assure your clients, families and staff that your focus continues to be on serving them in a manner that ensures their safety and well-being. Being proactive, well-informed and calm will eliminate uncertainty and reduce your stress and the stress of those you serve.
Are you ready to take the next step to a thriving private practice? Contact Renee Matlock to schedule a complimentary, no-strings-attached, “Talk with Renee” session to discuss your practice, your goals and your dreams. Renee, the owner of The Private Practice Coach shares with clients her knowledge and expertise gained over 30 thirty years of building a profitable, multi-disciplinary private practice.
Renee Matlock, the owner of The Private Practice Coach, shares with clients her wealth of experience, gained over 30 years of building a profitable, multi-disciplinary private practice.