Blog: Marketing

Why You Should be Using Solution-Based Marketing


Solution-based marketing is a client-centric strategy that prioritizes solving problems over merely promoting products or services. Read more

5 Must-Haves in Marketing Your Business


Remember that success isn't just about the bottom line—it's about the relationships you build and the impact you make. Read more

Satisfaction Surveys as a Marketing Tool

Satisfaction surveys can be an indispensable tool for gaining insights into your clients' experiences and preferences. Read more

The 3 Pillars of Branding - Actions/Behaviors

This pillar addresses how your brand interacts with your Right-Fit Client and brings your brand to life. Read more

The 3 Pillars of Branding - Content

 Your content allows your Right-Fit Client to connect with you and your business. The words you use are important. Read more

The 3 Pillars of Branding - Design


When you hear the term "branding" what comes to mind? Many people think branding is your logo, colors, and business cards. Read more

Are You Utilizing Email Marketing?

Email marketing is an effective tool for brand recognition, establishing yourself as an expert, and creating a relationship with your prospects, former clients and current clients. This tool should be integrated into your overall marketing plan. Read More

Your Summer Program Marketing Campaign


Here are 9 "tried and true" strategies for your Summer Program Marketing Campaign. Read More

Mastering the Initial Client Conversation


The Initial Parent Conversation is essentially an interview between you and a prospective client/parent. Read More

Are You Establishing Yourself as an Expert

An expert is someone who is recognized as a source for advice based on their knowledge and skills. Read More

 The Showcase Strategy





This is one of the most effective marketing strategies because it showcases you and your brand. Speaking to an audience of your Right-Fit Clients positions you as the expert in your niche.  By "showcasing" your knowledge and expertise, you are seen as the authority on the topic.  The Showcase Strategy is a great business builder because it invites follow-up and referrals. Read More

 Branding - It's More Than What You See


Branding is a critical component to building and growing your business. It is more than your logo, website, and business cards.  Read More

 Can You Identify Your Right-Fit Client?

Identifying the profile of your Right Fit Client is the first step in the marketing of your services. It is important to define who you are marketing to, because if you market to everyone, you are marketing to no one! Read More

 Content Marketing

Content marketing is intended to stimulate interest in your service without directly promoting it.  Rather than being "salesy", it is designed to educate your Right Fit Client (RFC) about your service, build a relationship with your target audience, and relay how you can solve their problem. Read More

 Discovering Your Niche


A niche market can be the key to a successful small business.  By focusing your business and marketing effort in this area, you will differentiate yourself and stand out among the crowd. Read More

Are you Leveraging your Facebook and LinkedIn Relationships?





Are you building ‘Likes’ on your Facebook business page and ‘Connections’ on your LinkedIn page? More importantly, are you leveraging these new relationships to build your business? Read More

Do You SWOT?


A simple way to analyze your business is to complete a SWOT analysis to assist you in developing and achieving your business goals. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Read More

 Are You Nurturing Your Referral Sources






Do you have a system to acknowledge and nurture your referral sources? Developing a system to nurture your referral relationships is a matter of good manners, good communication and good marketing. Read More

9 Strategies for Your Back-To-School Campaign

Here are 9 "tried and true" strategies for your Back-to-School Campaign. Read More

10 Strategies for Networking During This Pandemic and Beyond

Need help navigating the pandemic-era business world? Here are 10 strategies for staying connected in the marketplace. Read More