
Three Ways to Get Un-Stuck and “Land among the Stars”

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars!” has always been my motto. I’ve even included a shooting star in my practice logo!

Too often when we seek only perfection, we get “stuck”. We cannot move forward. This holds true for our lives and our private practices. 

How Do I Get Un-Stuck?


In Private Practice: It’s All About Relationships

This article first appeared in the May 1, 2013 issue of the Asha Leader.

Whether you are thinking about venturing into private practice, have just hung out your shingle, or are a seasoned practitioner, one of the keys to your success is marketing. There are dozens of ways to get the word out: ads in local newspapers and telephone directories; websites and Facebook pages; presentations to potential referral sources, such as physicians; talks with community groups, such as PTAs and civic associations; participation in community health fairs … the possibilities are many.


How do I hire an Office Assistant? A Step-by-Step Guide

A question often posed to me by my coaching clients is: When should I hire an office assistant? I usually respond with a question of my own, “Is your time better-utilized working ‘on’ your business than ‘in’ your business?” The answer to that question often is a resounding, “Yes!”. Your time is best spent on marketing and revenue-generating activities. Once you are ready to begin to delegate some of the work in your business to an assistant you will have more time to grow your business.


Don't Forget: Current Clients are Your Best Prospects!

“Oh, I didn’t know you did that!” is a phrase I used to hear referring to a service that a client did not know we offered at my clinic, Speech Plus. It made me want to scream, “What do you mean you didn’t know?”, until I realized that I wasn’t properly marketing my existing clients. Do you know that it costs 5x more to gain a new client than to maintain an existing client?


A Little HelpFour Business Relationships You Need

When starting a new private practice or running an existing practice, we often need to seek expert business advice. The most important thing you can do when it comes to your business is recognizing when you need to enlist the help of a professional. As business owners, we often neglect to seek professional advice due to the costs involved. Don’t be short-sighted. It is so important to establish ongoing business relationships with these four professionals: an accountant, an attorney, a banker, and an insurance broker.


New business concept.Starting a New Business? 22 Questions to Ask Yourself

So you are starting your own business! If you are like I was when I first started out, there are a million and one thoughts running through your head. As you are starting your business, here are 22 important questions to ask yourself.* Take time to think about the questions and even write down your answers. This is a good exercise for you to complete to get focused on what’s important.


If you are watingThe Right Time is Now!

Whatever you are waiting for... 

the right time is NOW!


gratefulWe Can't Do It Alone

I just wrote today’s date for the first time and for some reason the date rang a bell! Thirty-nine (yes–39!) years ago today, I graduated with my master’s degree in Communication Disorders.


Customer ServiceMore on Stellar Customer Service

Make customer service the point that differentiates your business from the crowd! 

Here is an excellent article from about just that!


Yes-No Woman-Logo-WebsiteTo Hire or Not to Hire: That is the Question

  • Do You have too much work for a ‘one-man’ band?
  • Are you running your business or is your business running you?
  • Are you spreading yourself too thin?


happy-lady-with-arms-in-airShould I Outsource Payroll for My Private Practice?

As your practice grows, you may find yourself asking: Should I outsource payroll for my private practice? Or should I save the money and process payroll on my own?

I recently wrote a blog on “The Art of Delegating in Your Private Practice”. In this post, I stated that “Sometimes others really CAN do it better than you.” Payroll processing is an area that it pays to delegate to the experts.


It's all about Balance!

If you follow me on Facebook you will have noticed a theme on work/life balance as the New Year began.  It is something I feel strongly about as we all juggle so many hats (wife, mother, business owner, SLP, possibly adult caretaker).  Taking care of yourself is just as much of a priority as taking care of all of those other things.  Creating balance in your life helps reduce stress.


Are you using SMART goals?

If you’ve coached with me, or even just follow me on social media, you have heard me talk about the importance of goal setting. Setting goals for your business helps you know where your business is headed, where you want it to go (outcome), when you have reached your goal, and how you will get there.


Is Your Business a Well-Oiled Machine?

It’s all about systems. A system is a method of doing something that can be done the same way, over and over, as efficiently as possible. It is a step-by-step guide to complete an essential business task. Systems play a significant role in building a business. They are essential building blocks and support our daily activities, which is why, as entrepreneurs, we need to incorporate them into our businesses.


Mid-Year Business Review

It’s hard to believe we are almost halfway through the year! Is your business on target to reach your goals? The good news is there are six months to go! It is time for your Mid-Year Business Review.


1099 vs. W-2 Employee

When making staffing decisions, it is critical that business owners correctly determine whether the individuals providing services are employees or independent contractors.