Renee Matlock, the owner of The Private Practice Coach, shares with clients her wealth of experience, gained over 30 years of building a profitable, multi-disciplinary private practice.
Managing your business, your family and other life responsibilities is a never-ending juggling act for the entrepreneur! When you are at home with your family, you feel you should be working on that latest business project. When you are at work in your office, you want to be watching your child’s softball game. The only thing this does is create constant inner turmoil, guilt and stress. What good is that?
You only need one tip–and one tip only–to stop this NOW! Take it from one who has walked in your shoes. I find the only way to manage this juggling act is to STAY IN THE PRESENT. When you stay in the present you are mindful of what you are doing NOW.
If you are walking to the park with your preschooler, enjoy every piece of the moment. Talk with your little one about what you see, feel your feet as you walk on the sidewalk. listen to the sounds around you. If you allow yourself to worry about that work project or phone call that needs to be completed, you cannot, you will not enjoy this moment with your child.
On the other hand, if you are working on that proposal to secure a new contract for your business, give it 100% of your time, energy and talents. This is not the time to think about the laundry piling up at home. By staying in the present you will complete the task quicker and it will be of higher quality than if you are constantly focusing in on other thoughts. You will even enjoy the process and the outcome.
It takes time and practice to develop the skill of staying present in the moment. Whether you are reading a story to your son or daughter, meeting with a client or taking an aerobics class, be fully present and enjoy every moment of the experience. You owe it to yourself, your family and those you do business with!
If you need assistance moving your business to the next level or want to start a new business, I can help!