Renee Matlock, the owner of The Private Practice Coach, shares with clients her wealth of experience, gained over 30 years of building a profitable, multi-disciplinary private practice.
It’s hard to believe we are almost halfway through the year! Is your business on target to reach your goals? The good news is there are six months to go! It is time for your Mid-Year Business Review.
Roll up your sleeves and ask yourself the following questions:
1. Financial Review–Know Your Numbers! Are you on track with your Year-to-Date projections? Review the projections you made in January. (If you did not make financial projections in January, it is not too late. Set your financial goals for the remainder of the year.) Update your financial goals and budget accordingly. Reviewing and revising your financial plan is critical to all aspects of your business and will drive decisions for the remainder of the year.
2. Marketing Review–Are you tracking the results of your marketing initiatives? Are you reaching your ‘ideal client’? Revisit your marketing plan and update/revise your plan. Don’t forget about your website. This is a good time to complete a website review. Be sure your content is relevant and that all links work. Add new content and features if it is needed. For example, do you have the means to capture email addresses to add to your email marketing list?
3. Systems Check–Do you have needed systems in place? Are your systems working? Review your systems for those tasks you complete regularly. You will want systems in place for lead generation and nurturing, tracking referrals, customer service, recruitment, etc. Having the right systems will allow you to operate your business efficiently. It sure makes your business life a lot less stressful.
4. Key Business Relationships–Your key business relationships include your attorney, accountant, banker, and insurance professional. Be proactive and check in with these key professionals. Are there specific changes you should be aware of or are any updates required?
By taking a step back, reviewing where your business is, and revising and updating your business plan, you will be ready for the rest of the year. Bring it on!!
Now is your time. Be purposeful and proactive!
There are still six months to go. If you need assistance in moving your business forward, I can help! Together we can develop your Success Action Plan for the remainder of the year.