Renee Matlock, the owner of The Private Practice Coach, shares with clients her wealth of experience, gained over 30 years of building a profitable, multi-disciplinary private practice.
Before discussing a Prospect Nurturing System, let’s define what a prospect is. A prospect is exactly that–a prospective client. A prospect has provided you with contact information, for example, a phone number or an email address, for you to initiate contact with them.
Too often a prospect contacts a business and because they did not immediately schedule an appointment or make a purchase, there is no further contact made with this individual. They land in the “No Further Contact” file. This is a huge mistake! A prospect needs you to court them a bit more to build a stronger relationship. (Remember that “Know-Like-Trust Factor” http://theprivatepracticecoach.com/success-tips/the-know-like-trust-factor/). A client will not avail themselves of your services until they trust you. So let’s ‘woo’ them a bit to build a stronger relationship.
The goal of a “Prospect Nurturing System” is to provide your prospect with the information needed to make the decision to avail themselves of your service or product. This should be a scheduled system of tasks to nurture your prospects over time. Initially, it is important that you reach out in a timely manner–usually within 24 hours. If you wait longer your prospect may lose interest or head to your competition.
What exactly should your Prospect Nurturing System include? Ideally, it should include a phone call to discuss what your prospect is interested in, concerns and the solutions you offer. Nothing says, “I care” more than a personal connection via phone. Sending a handwritten note with your business card and brochure is another personal connection. Later you may want to follow up by emailing your prospect an article pertinent to their needs/concerns or initiate an email campaign (targeted emails on a specific topic and at specific intervals). You may want to include the prospect on your E-Newsletter list (with permission, of course) or invite them to attend a presentation you are giving.
By providing your prospect with high-value, relevant content, you will be the trusted, go-to person when your prospect is ready to make the transition to client.
If you need assistance moving your business to the next level or want to start a new business, I can help!