Renee Matlock, the owner of The Private Practice Coach, shares with clients her wealth of experience, gained over 30 years of building a profitable, multi-disciplinary private practice.
To Hire or Not to Hire
Part 1 in a 4-Part Series on Hiring
Then you might need to hire! If you find yourself asking the question: To hire or not to hire an employee, then read on. This is one of the most strategic decisions you will make in your practice. What do you do? How do you make this decision?
As a business coach I work with entrepreneurs who own a professional practice and want to grow their business. Like you and other private practitioners, I faced this exact situation. You are not alone. I have developed a 10-point questionnaire to help you answer this exact question: To hire or not to hire? Start by assessing your practice.
10-Point Questionnaire
1. Do you currently have a steady stream of revenue?
2. Can you afford to hire staff? Do the math! (More to come on this in a future blog post.)
STOP here if you did not answer ‘yes’ to questions 1 and 2!
CONTINUE if you answered ‘yes’ to questions 1 and 2!
3. Are you turning away referrals? Do you have a waiting list that keeps getting longer?
4. Do you really need to hire staff or do you just need to manage your time and get better organized?
5. Are you looking to add a new revenue source or a new service?
6. Are you looking to add passive income?
7. Do you have the desire, time and skills to manage others?
8. Can you delegate?
9. Can you refrain from micromanaging and let go of control?
10. Do you really want to hire? (This last question is as important as the first two questions.)
By completing this 10-point questionnaire, you will be better able to answer the question, to hire or not to hire! Did you answer ‘yes’ to all 10 questions? If so, you may be ready to consider hiring but…
Proceed with Caution!
Need assistance answering the question: To Hire or Not to Hire? I can assist you in determining if you are ready to add employees and how to craft a job description and interview questions. Click this link to set up your complimentary, no-strings-attached “Talk with Renee” session today!