Blog: Business Planning


Private Pay v. Insurance Contracting

Let's dive into the factors to be considered when determining if you want to have a strictly private pay practice or contract with one or more insurance companies. Read more

Strategic Planning


In order to grow your practice, you need to have a strategic plan. Strategic planning defines your practice's mission, long- and short-term goals, and an actionable plan. Read more


 The Art of Delegation





Good delegation gets results, increases the capabilities of the team, and frees up your time to act as the CEO of your practice. Delegating effectively requires planning. Read more

 Become the CEO of Your Practice (And Reduce Your Overwhelm)


Are You Working ON Your Business or IN It? Read more

Are You Working On Your Business or In It?


It's an important distinction. Read more

Is Your Practice Prepared for a Recession?

While there is speculation around whether we are headed for a recession or already there, one thing is certain -- you need to take action to minimize the impact to your practice. Read More

Summer Program Planning

 Build your programs with your clients' needs in mind. What worked in the past in attracting new clients and adding services to existing ones? Be creative. Take a fresh look at the skills you and your staff have to offer. Read More

2022 Challenge


I challenge you to make 2022 about business and personal growth. Read More

Goal Setting

Setting goals for your business helps you know where your business is headed, where you want it to go (outcome), how you will get there and when you have reached your goals. Read More

Mid Year Review

We are half-way through the year! Is your business on target to reach your goals? Read More

 Can Your Business Thrive Without You?





Create a business that can thrive without you, and be of value to a buyer when you are ready to step away permanently. Read More

 Four Business Relationships You Need

A Little Help





The most important thing you can do when it comes to your business is recognizing when you need to enlist the help of a professional. Read More

Your One-Word Mantra

Rather than a well-intentioned, yet fruitless new year's resolution, I choose one word as my mantra for the new year. Read more

Moving Forward with Intention


These are certainly unprecedented times we are experiencing with COVID-19.  It makes it increasingly important that, while we look after the safety and health of our families, we also look after our businesses -- it's no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Read More

Is Your Practice Prepared for the Coronavirus?


Here is a list of 4 ‘must-dos’ to minimize the effect on your practice (and your anxiety level). Read More

Starting a New Business? 22 Questions to Ask Yourself


As you are starting your business, here are 22 important questions to ask yourself. Read More

Three Ways to Get Un-Stuck and "Land among the Stars"


I follow a simple, three-step process to get unstuck and keep moving forward. Read More

The Secret to Survival in Uncertain Times

The key to survival is cash flow, which means a decrease in outflow (expenses) and the need to speed up inflow (billing and collection). Read More

In Private Practice: It’s All About Relationships

Whether you are thinking about venturing into private practice, have just hung out your shingle or are a seasoned practitioner, one of the keys to your success is marketing. There are dozens of ways to get the word out: ads in local newspapers and telephone directories; websites and Facebook pages; presentations to potential referral sources, such as physicians; talks with community groups, such as PTAs and civic associations; participation in community health fairs … the possibilities are many. Read More